Många företag har en ökande andel icke-svenskspråkiga tjänstemän som så klart även de omfattas av kollektivavtalen på arbetsplatsen. PTK med sina 25 medlemsförbund har noterat ett ökat intresse av information på engelska om ITP och de avtal som PTK ansvarar för (tjänstepension, efterlevandeskydd, arbetsskada mm). Därför har vi tagit fram denna åtta minuter långa informationsfilm.
Filmen är övergripande om lag och avtal och vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter man har som anställd på ett företag med kollektivavtal. Målgrupp är en tjänsteman i 30–50 årsåldern, högskoleutbildad, med annat modersmål än svenska och som jobbar i Sverige ett par år.
Text på engelska att använda
Most white-collar workers in Sweden are covered by a collective agreement. Over and above regulations such as salary and working hours, the collective agreement package contains both insurance and occupational pension schemes.
This is a short film about the benefits you are entitled to if your workplace is bound by a collective agreement. In less than 8 minutes we’ll take you through the pension and insurance benefits regulated through both the agreement and through Swedish legislation.
When you work and pay tax in Sweden you are covered by the national pension scheme. This means you will be earning a national pension in Sweden that you can collect when you retire, even if you leave the country.
Over and above the national pension scheme there are occupational pension, or in Swedish “tjänstepension” schemes or plans. The most common one for white collar workers is the ITP-plan.
The film will take you through the basic components of the plan. You will learn how the retirement pensions ITP1, ITP2 and ITPK work. You will also learn about the group life insurance TGL and work-injury insurance TFA you are covered by and see what other insurance options you have through the scheme. Options such as various survivor’s benefits in case you pass away. These are for example, repayment-cover, or återbetalningsskydd, family-cover or familjeskydd and family-pension or familjepension.
You will be guided through what choices you can make and also shown how and where to do so. There are also suggestions on where you can find more information.